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My mission is to give each client an opportunity to re-examine their path in life. Clients who finish one of my sessions come away satisfied and with an improved mindset in managing challenges and pursuing goals. I take pride in reading my "coaches" testimonials. I hope these testimonials gives YOU an opportunity to see the power of transformation through coaching.

"Hasani was an incredible coach and mentor for me. At anytime if I was struggling with decision making or the next steps we would discuss the root of the issues and how to map out the future. Working with Hasani helped me learn how to communicate more effectively and confidently as a woman leader which has allowed me to grow professionally. She places a strong emphasis on discovering what your true passions are and finding ways to keep those alive while balancing your time personally and professionally. What I have taken away from our time working together is a skill set of how to prioritize and be a stronger leader. This level of balance has brought me much success and happiness in my career and life. I would highly recommend working with Hasani, she will empower you in ways you didn't even know existed!"

Hunter Rolf


Doula @ The Mindful Birth

Hasani appeared in my life at the exact moment I needed her to, it was fate. I was feeling very lost and really struggled with self-doubt and self-sabotage, but Hasan’s mentoring and guidance really helped me get myself out of that hole. There would be times where I wouldn’t even know how to put my feelings into words, but Hasan’s intuitiveness would pick up and fill in the blanks. Hasani gave me the tools that helped me identify the moments in my life when I was or wasn’t showing up as my authentic self. These tools continue to help navigate me and my journey of self-discovery. My experience with Hasani was profound and empowering and I can’t recommend working with her enough. 

Bianca Torres

Holistic Esthetician 

Working with Hasani has been a very healing, enlightening and supportive process for me.  I gained insight into what’s been keeping me from thriving personally and professionally.  I leave our calls with a deeper understanding of self and Spirit.  Hasani is extremely intuitive and has amazing energy.  She's a great partner to help create what you say you want in your life, while lovingly holding you to account.  She's often able to feel how I'm doing before I even share a word.  She has a way of making you feel comfortable and heard.   She absolutely holds space for her clients in a way only she can.  That's her gift.


During my time working with Hasani, she has helped me get to the core of a pattern that has been keeping me stuck my entire life; it was mind blowing to me.  I wasn't able to fully wrap my arms around it until we started working together.  


I highly recommend Hasani as a coach and healer. I think she is a terrific human, her coaching is extremely effective and the holistic approach is just divine.  If anyone is willing to do the work, Hasani is the person to do it with so you can claim all of your gifts and what you say you want in this world.  She also has a way to asking the right questions to have you uncover things for yourself in a healing and supportive environment.



Senior Director, Sales

My experience with working with Hasani has been rewarding, beyond words. The ability to process life, in a safe and loving space through a strengths-based and spiritual lens has helped me embrace my own power and my ability to create the life I desire. She has added so much value along the journey. 

Hakim Collier

Therapist, Speaker, Spiritualist

Founder of Beyond Living

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Working with Hasani has been a refreshing necessary experience at this stage of my life. Hasani has a great approach to her coaching and healing, she is fantastic at listening and challenging my comfort level to help me connect to my best self. After working with Hasani for over 9 months, I’ve transformed many aspects of my personal and professional life. I now have personal assurance, restored confidence and alignment with my thoughts. I have recommended Hasani as a coach to friends and family members and will continue to recommend her services to anyone who is willing to invest in themselves.

Lena Johnson


Founder of Indigo Sky


It was so appreciative investing in the support and guidance from Hasani - who is able to see and understand my tendencies and patterns and helping me work through them in such a thoughtful, loving (and sometimes no-nonsense!) way! I highly recommend Hasani’s guidance for those who are looking for a deep dive. 

Sarah Slonick


Teacher of Social Science 

"I came to Hasani for coaching through hearing about her work from my sister. Meeting Hasani was like a breath of fresh air. I reached out to her at a time where my spirit was extremely low and I was feeling stuck. I was questioning myself and my life choices. Past, present and more frightening I was questioning my faith and the Creator. I desperately needed a new way forward. Hasani's coaching approach assisted me in connecting again to who I really am in my true essence. She understood my fears, and felt my passion! Something I usually do not experience with others. And after just a few sessions and some aha moments I felt like a different person- full of possibilities and a new way of experiencing my life. Through her weekly challenges, I was able to put actions into starting my business and my daily spiritual practice. 

I am soooooo grateful for the support and guidance she provided me. I will forever feel blessed to know her. In me she has a soul sister."

Chanel Keitt


Integrated Health Coach

"How can I define my coaching experience with Hasani? If you want to go deep, shift and transform the way you look at your life, Hasani's coaching will get you there. Before coming to her for coaching I had a lot of issues in my professional life. I was deeply dissatisfied with my job and the direction my career was going. I was really skeptical about what coaching could do for me. But After a few coaching sessions I realized I had the power to change my ways. Quitting was not an option nor was my job going to change. I found the need for a new job was deeply rooted in the fact that I was working at a place where I was not able to honor my values. Hasani challenged me to face my fears, honor my values and to shift my negative views on my career and performance. I had to look deep within my self and take responsibility for the self negative talk. After a few months of coaching, I started to see the areas where I could make changes. As result, I am still working in the same job, but with a new found mindset and approach to my career. Hiring a coach was an invaluable investment for me. I highly recommend Hasani as a coach."

Tyler Cobitt


Creative Services Manager

I was first attracted to work with Hasani because of her kind and empathetic nature. I wanted to figure out what next step to take my career in, but what I got was so much more. I was able to reconnect with my inner child, strengthen my intuition, look at my shadows, heal some codependent relationships and understand my values, which now help guide my decisions. These weren’t even things that knew I needed, yet I am so happy that I got them. Although the work was at times painful and sometimes, I fought against it, Hasani was there to gently guide me through it. I would highly recommend working with her, if you let it, it will change your life for the better!

Lucila Sanchez

Academic Advisor + Graduate Student

“When I started to work with Hasani - I didn't’ know what to expect when working with a coach, however all that changed when I had my first discovery session. She immediately created an incredible safe space where I felt calm and safe to speak about the goals I had for my future. I turned to coaching because I had a lot of confusion and fear around my next career move. At that time, I was working in a dead end job that was just allowing me to pay for bills and have a decent life style. However, my mind was constantly occupied by my dream of working in the creative visual industry. Coaching with Hasani allowed me to explore and identify the different limiting beliefs I had about myself. My inner critic was constantly preventing me from moving forward. To my inner critic, I was never good enough nor did I have the talent and qualifications to pursue my dream job. After several sessions and doing some deep work, I was finally able to connect to my true essence and gifts and I started to follow my intuition in every decision I made. Coaching helped me step out of my comfort zone and it provided me with the tools and strength to be fearless. As a result, I was able to find the courage to apply for my ideal job and after a couple of months of submitting resumes and many interviews, I was able to land the job of my dreams. Through the power of coaching I was able to finally tackle my fears, inner critic and connect to my true creative and powerful self.”

Pamela Rolon


Head Visual Stylist + Pam Accessory Design

Hasani was a God sent during the early months of the pandemic. I saw her speak during a IG live I attended and immediately signed up to meet with her. After our initial session, I knew this is what I needed for my soul and to start my new life (I was getting married in September). I remember her asking me why you want to start working with me and my response was “I was to heal myself so my future daughter doesn’t need therapy because of me”. 


The journey was not easy. There were days I wanted to call and cancel because digging deep left me so physically and emotionally tired, but every session was so special and exactly the medicine I needed. I learned that I am stronger than I think that my ancestors did everything they did to ensure I lived a good life. I learned so much about my parents and why they did the things they did. It was hard work but so rewarding! By the time our 13th session came, I was pregnant with my baby…a girl! Throughout my pregnancy I needed help and guidance and would always schedule to see Hasani. I love meeting with Hasani for my occasional refill of my specific spiritual medicine and guidance. 


I would highly recommend Hasani to help guide you through your shadow work. If you are ready to do the work and not hold yourself, back give her a call! 

Alexandra Roja 

Theology Teacher 

My experience working with Hasani was life-changing in that it helped me be grounded in the fullness of who I am. Before working with Hasani it was hard for me to acknowledge and accept parts of me that I deemed less lovable. 


What I loved most about my coaching experience was that Hasani taught me a BUNCH of things that I still use a year plus after my time with her. Learning more about my Indigenous and African spiritual roots and history helped me be grounded in my identity. Learning how to identify, love, and accept my shadow self-increased my self-confidence. Hasani’s way of disrupting my internal narrative made me have a better understanding of what is “programming” and what is “Spirit.” She taught me how to blend my analytical, logical, academic self with my natural, curious, and unmeasurable self. All of these teachings combined have made me a better, more confident, self-assured woman. After my time with Hasani my business revenue doubled!


I would, without hesitation or doubt, recommend Hasani’s offerings and style. Initially what made me most comfortable about Hasani was the time she took to immerse herself in the work. She doesn’t only teach from experience, but also through the years she’s taken to study and develop her craft. I'm better because of it. Gracias por todo Hasani! <3 

Destiny Moore Saldívar 

CEO/founder at Caona Wellness 

LMSW - Wellness Coach

My name is Laraine, and I am a school counselor in NYC. I have extensive professional training in my field but have never allowed myself the privilege of working with an intuitive/coach for my own personal growth. Meeting and working with Hasani was a profoundly eye-opening experience, it was a much-needed cleansing of my physical and mental space. There was a level of care and engagement with Hasani that allowed me to feel very safe in this first public experience of sharing myself.


Her ability to to create a safe space within which to 'come apart' coupled with her ability to guide self-discovery and slowly bring myself back together was the start of a very important journey for me. I felt that her intuitive approach was a perfect match my own intuitive energy.


I always felt that Hasani was grounded and tapped into her own energy and therefore I felt grounded and secure in our connection and exchanges.  I felt a sense of connection and trust in the relationship that we developed -I trusted the challenges and difficult questions that she presented me with- and in answering those questions there has been clarity and movement in relationships as well as my career experiences. One of the greatest shifts that I encountered was with allowing all parts of MYSELF to be visible. 


Hasani challenged/encouraged me to trust my intuition regarding my own talents and to take joy in expressing those important parts of myself, that proved to be invaluable.


I am still a work in progress but more aware and alive in the process. It is my hope to return to work with Hasani on the next round of questions and internal movement once 

my current work is integrated and I'm ready.

Laraine Batis-Gelps

HS Guidance Counselors & Poet 

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